What better time than to Post up a wish list
When You've got a nice big fat picture
oF 100 dollar billss
OK... this technically is my MAJOR WISH list
Not a Specific Christmas one cause probably I'll get none of them this Christmas
1. MBP
2. 70-200 nikkor
3. a 22" pc monitor maybe??
4. 11-16 tokina
Those are top 4 lar...
But I'll probably get none of them
Here's the realistic one
1. A PS3... ok.. guess its not that realistic too
2. cufflings... (some one got me an early christmas Gift) =)
3. A key chain... metal one nice one...
4. a white long sleeve shirt.. Just got 2 different ones of this on my own
5. a wallet would be nice
6 . There was this money notes holder i saw... its like a clip..
Usually used to clip 50's or something
7. owh I dont mind a small lens pen those to clean the view finder of ur camera
8. ankle socks... I would buy them my self.. cause i dont realy have use for them...
I usually wear jeans .. so... ankle socks was never necessary and also
I think they're over priced =.=
9. a new watch.... Seiko... maybe one of those kinetic ones...
but this maybe shud be up there in the impossible list
10. owh ... 2 new kingston 8gb thumdrives would be excellent
I'll take 4 too but 8 would be more useful..
Ow well... may edit this soon ..
Its just a half thought of thing
I dont expect anything form any one...
Its just a statement of WISH