Last one was messy...
So here goes again
This is the realistic one
1. 2 Kingston thumb drives - 8gb ones would be most useful
Don't mind the 4gb or 16gb *wink wink* ones as well
2. Ankle socks - 2 pairs
I wouldn't really buy them my self
3. A nice bottle - one of those good plastic or aluminum ones
Sigg ones are really nice.. but soo the expansive
4. Lens pen - the small one mainly to clean the view finder
I think its called the mini pro II
5. A metal key chain - one nice fancy one...
6. A wallet leather one definitely..
7. A refillable organizer - nice one... leather bound maybe??
But.. I'll probably get this on my own soon
Ok I think these are the only thigns under a reasonable budget
which you could possibly find...
Ok if those above are still pricey for u...
A. A Subway sandwich would do
B. A pasta meal would be nice
C. Burgers... =)
These would do ;)
The rest gets a bit more expansive by leaps and bounds...
The more expansive list starts with
1. PS3
2. PSP
3. A seiko watch... or a Tissot.. which ever lar.. so long its a nice new watch
4. A new computer monitor... 22" or 24" preferbly
MUST be Samsung ;)
5. 70-200mm f2.8
6. 105mm f2.8 micro nikkor
7. MBP... 15" please...
8. 11-16mm f2.8 Tokina
9. A new Razer Mouse - I really dont mind a new one..
My copperhead is aged >.<
10. A crumpler bag for college..
I may actually very well buy my self one by the end of the year
(no Kenny I din't copy you wanted one very long d lols)
I probably wont get the top 10 up here...
But no harm wishing...
Things I ALREADY got
1. Treble cleff cufflinks =)
They're really awesome... from the best person to receive from anyways ...
(those who know please don't go mentioning here yah...)
2. white shirts... got 2 of them already
Thats it...
I don't think there is many more things I want
If I think of any it will be updated lar...
Exams... in 15 and a half hours >.<
Thank You for the Great results I am already going to get.. =)